Friday, November 20, 2009

I have the flu

I guess I have the flu. I'm not quite sure that's true. I mean, I have the symptoms. But when I went to the doctor on Wednesday, I tested negative for influenza A and B. I was told because I only had symptoms for 24 hours they couldn't rule out flu, and so they're treating me for it anyway. Freaking Tamiflu costs $50...WITH insurance!!! It doesn't even do much! Anyway, here comes the dilemma...

Brendan's first birthday party is Sunday. There will be babies (!!!) and pregnant women. If I go, I was told I have to wear a mask. Quite frankly, I'm a vain person. So I decided...I will bedazzle my mask. I will post awesome pictures of my mask when the time comes. =)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Soo...the Domino's guy hit on me....

Domino's guy: Do you gamble?
Me: Um, no? I mean not with money?
Domino's guy?: Well wanna place a bet?
Me: **confused look**
Domino's guy: Is this your name on the tab here?
Me: Yes...
Domino's guy: I bet you a cheesy bread that I will remember your name next time you come in.
Me: Um, ok...

The name prints out on the thing, so of course he'll remember my name.

Then I told Adrian (who was so nice to drive me to Domino's) how awkward it was.

Adrian: You know he was hitting on you, right?
Me: Yeah.
Adrian: It's a good pick-up line, but this is why guys keep pursuing, cause you say ok.
Me: But I'd turn him down for a date. I figure it's free cheesy bread!