Thursday, October 20, 2011

This is what I never expected to write about.

About a year ago I made what I always thought of as an epic blog post. It still holds true. I have no idea what I'm doing in relationships. Or how to even get in one actually. I've thrived on the book, my relationship bible, He's Just Not that Into You. I feel empowered when I read it. Suddenly male behavior makes sense. The book basically tells women, although I think the book can be applied to any gender, to not waste their time on men that are clearly not interested. Why would you want someone who doesn't want you? That's illogical.

I've always tried to make it my mission to live up to this book. I've succeeded in some aspects. I can recognize the signs of someone who is interested and someone who isn't interested. I think. But there's one thing I have not grasped...


He's Just Not that Into You and Facebook came out in the same year. I somehow doubt Greg had the ability to predict the future and know just how easy it is for someone to project their feelings for the world to see to be able to address it in the book. I'm supposed to be classy and instead I'm posting cryptic messages that make men say, "I'm glad I disappeared. That girl is crazy." The only people who should see that side of me is Amy, Josh, and Tommy.

So for that, I'm sorry. This blog post is emotional vomit too, but at least it's honest. Which is all I ever really asked for from anyone else.